Among various factors that can cause impotence, one of the most controversial is obesity. On the one hand, obesity often leads to numerous other health problems and affect a quality of life in general. On the other hand, the fact that extra weight is the real cause of erection troubles can be quite encouraging for a man, because in most cases it is within his power to remedy the situation, and the damage to sexual health is not irreversible.
It should be noted that not all men with extra weight have problems with sexual life, but a significant percentage of them admit their erection could be much better. One of the American studies says that men with a BMI of 28.7kg and higher are 30% more likely to have troubles with potency. According to another study, nearly 80% of men suffering from weak erections are overweight.
How Obesity Affects Erectile Function
Obesity has a complex effect on the body, and all these factors combined lead to problems with erection or impotence.
- Obesity and testosterone. There is a close correlation between muscle mass, percentage of fat in the body and testosterone levels. According to studies results, excess weight leads to reduction in testosterone at least by 2%, and in case of severe obesity – up to 75%. And testosterone is one of the crucial hormones for a man, and erection greatly depends on it. Lack of this hormone reduces sexual desire, lowers energy and makes a man feel depressed.
- Reduced self-esteem. Men who think they are fat are likely to be depressed, anxious and have a reduced self-esteem. And since psychology, confidence and erectile function are closely connected, the potency may suffer.
- Low Stamina. Extra weight can diminish the energy reserves in the body, and it will be difficult to stay active in the bedroom. Men who go in for sports have an advantage here – they are always more energetic, even in case of excess weight.
- Cardiovascular system. Extra body weight increases the levels of fat in the body, leading to clogging of arteries and atherosclerosis. A strain on the heart results in reduced heart function. This means that the blood flow to the penis is limited and becomes insufficient to reach or maintain erections. One of the dangers is that long-term absence of sufficient blood supply to the penis can cause tissue atrophy, and the penis can even become smaller in size.
- Poor circulation. Compression of the blood vessels because of the excessive weight reduces the blood flow to the penis, which makes is harder to get erection. Nerve damage and sensation loss can also follow inadequate blood circulation.
- Nerve tissue damage. Overweight men have a greater risk for type 2 diabetes development, which in its turn can cause the loss of nerve cells the damage if nerve tissues, especially in the extremities – feet, hands and penis.
Will I Restore My Potency if I Lose Weight?
Yes, losing weight can actually help to return adequate erections, if obesity was the major cause of impotence. Improvement of physical fitness is a necessary condition for loss of excess weight and natural restoration of erectile function. Drinking plenty of water, healthy nutrition, and physical exercises will lead to well-proportional body and keep the penis in the working condition. Smoking and alcohol accelerate extra weight gaining, so if you can, it’s better to give them up. Every small positive lifestyle change can help you make the body more shapely, and masculine health better.
What you can do: go in for sports at least 3 times a week (both cardiovascular muscle strengthening and exercises) and , sit less, reduce daily calories intake and the amount of saturated fats, increase fibre intake, eat less fast food and more fresh fruits and vegetables, reduce the level of anxiety and stress in life. Don’t lose patience if you don’t see immediate results, keep in mind your long-term goal.
Related news: Viagra Might Keep You Slim As Well As Improve Your Sex Life
Steadily Great Erection with Viagra Generic despite Obesity
While you make efforts for losing weight and becoming healthy, you probably do not want to make a break in your sexual life, and you don’t have to. As a temporary measure you can use medications that give immediate results and help to reach and maintain erection sufficient for a qualitative sexual intercourse. These are oral drugs for treatment of erectile dysfunction – Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, etc. Viagra will improve the blood flow to the penis and provide it for several hours. Some studies say it also is able to boost testosterone levels. Viagra Generic of high quality at affordable prices is available in online pharmacies.